Permalink Submitted by Sergei C (not verified) on Fri, 07/17/2009 - 19:28
The bug is in double-buffering code in TWinControl.WMPaint. The workaround is to disable double-buffering for the dbgrid: DBGrid1.DoubleBuffered := false.
If you use the grid with TClientDataSet, you can set dataset's ObjectView property to false since it also disables double-buffering (unlike DoubleBuffered, ObjectView can be changed in design time).
another workaround
The bug is in double-buffering code in TWinControl.WMPaint. The workaround is to disable double-buffering for the dbgrid: DBGrid1.DoubleBuffered := false.
If you use the grid with TClientDataSet, you can set dataset's ObjectView property to false since it also disables double-buffering (unlike DoubleBuffered, ObjectView can be changed in design time).